Improvisation Classes

As the home of The Court Jesters, the improvisational masterminds behind Scared Scriptless we love to share the techniques of improvisation. All our classes are taught by present or past Court Jesters and are geared towards introducing participants to the skills and joys of improvisation.

"We were so lucky that we had The Court Theatre as a base. The best way to learn your craft is to do it. It totally formed me. I moved on from improv to stand up but it made me unafraid of what could happen on stage."

New Zealand Comedian Cal Wilson


Intro to Improv (Spontaneity)

Monday 6pm - 7:30pm

An introduction to fundamental improvisation techniques in an environment in which all participants can discover the charismatic performer inside themselves. Learn how to generate creative offers, find the joy in failure, and gain confidence. No experience necessary!

Please note this class is for ages 18+.

$160 per Term (8 weeks)
Term 4 2024
Mondays 6pm - 7:30pm
14 October – 9 December
No Class Labour Day Mon 28 October

Improv Showcase Monday 9 December 8pm-9:30pm (6:30pm performer call time)

Please email to be added to the waitlist.

improv selling

Advanced Improv

Monday 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Our Advanced Improv class is for those who are already confident and knowledgeable with the general concepts and techniques of improv and are looking to take it to the next level. You will be working with an experienced Improv Teaching Artist to explore advanced improv concepts as well as digging deeper to sharpen key skills and techniques.

This class is for ages 18+. You must complete a term of Intro to Improv and have sought confirmation of readiness from the teaching artist of Intro to Improv to be eligible to join this programme.

$190 per Term (8 weeks)
Term 4 2024
Mondays 7:30 – 9:30pm
14 October – 9 December
No Class Labour Day Mon 28 October

Improv showcase Monday 9 December 8pm-9:30pm (6:30pm performer call time)

Please email to be added to the waitlist.