Get Creative at Home

Drama Provocations

  • Write your own... (for Seniors)

    For Senior Students - Write a poem/monologue/song inspired by anything that you have experienced/anyone you have spoken to in the last week.

    It doesn't need to be long, anything you can share with use will be great.  Watch the video below for an explanation and short example.


  • Tell us a story... (for Juniors)

    For Junior Students- Tell us a story using the prompts - Once upon a time... And everyday... Until one day... Because of that... Because of that... Because of that... Until finally... And ever since that day...

    Watch the video below for and explanation and example. We'd love to see what you come up with!


  • Tongue Twisters

    Give these tongue twisters a go at home to keep working on your articulation skills....

    Six Slippery Snails Slid Slowly Seaward

    If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose