Welcome to The Coronavirus Time Capsule Project.
A week-by-week response to the pandemic, through the eyes of teenagers everywhere.
The Coronavirus Time Capsule is a way of recording teenagers’ experiences during the global coronavirus pandemic and shutdown. It is a cumulative project. Each week individual young people respond to a Topic (things like Home Life, or Education, or Boredom) and make a fifteen-second video. These are then collated and edited together by us. The same process happens every week, with the new videos added on to the original ones, so that the Time Capsule gets longer and develops as the shutdown continues and evolves. Every week we will publish our Time Capsules on our Court Education Programme facebook page. Other groups around the world are also part of this project and eventually we hope to find a way to collect them all together in one place, as a way of marking and remembering this extraordinary period in our shared history.
This project will take place online and this will mean using a What's App group, Zoom meetings and emails to stay connected. We have developed a digital policy to guide us and keep us safe during this project, please make sure you and your parent/guardian read this before you sign up.
Please include a signed (digital signature is fine) and uploaded copy of this permission letter along with your application to be involved.